Great, you’re a Nail Tech! But, do you have clients? Here’s a few tips on getting and KEEPING clients.

  1. Have a great skill set and work ethic. Nobody is perfect, but know your trade. Show up early to work, be prepared, and be professional.
  2. Clients are your bread and butter! Treat them that way! Value their time. I alway send a thank you card in the mail (yes, snail mail) after I do a new client. I tell them I appreciate them, and put a few business cards in with the thank you card, explaining my referral program. I offer $5.00 off their next service with each new referral.
  3. ALWAYS carry your business cards and have your nails done. You are a walking billboard for your business. Comment to others on their nails, tell them you are a nail tech. It’s amazing what that alone can turn into. When another mother asks for your phone number so she can set up a play date with your child, hand them your business card. When the plumber or electrician hand you their business card, hand them yours.  Yep! You never know 😉
  4. Have an Instagram and a Facebook page just for your business. Post daily! Have the proper information in your bio that will tell someone exactly what you do and where you do it. Example: city, state, phone number, name, what you do (gel, acrylic, pedicures).  Social media will never help get you clients if they don’t know where to find you. Make sure your pages are public.
  5. Keep up on classes and trending nail art and products. Talk about it with your clients. Show them what you have learned. Keep them excited to keep coming back.
  6. Offers- I don’t believe in discounting services, but you can offer an additional service for a new client. Example- free gel toes with every new set in the month of February. Now you just introduced them to gel toes, an additional service that they will hopefully come back for, therefore filling your books even more.
  7. Last, but definitely not the least, be confident, be kind, be grateful!


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